Madison Reformed Church
Sermons & more from Madison Reformed Church (URCNA) in beautiful Madison, Indiana.
Podcasting since 2021 • 329 episodes
Madison Reformed Church
Latest Episodes
Belgic Confession 1 (part 3) "The Three S's of God: Single, Spiritual, Simple"
Sometimes we wish that He had just published a glossary with all His attributes listed out with simple definitions. But God is not a textbook. He is the personal God, with whom we enjoy a living relationship through His Son. And so to talk abou...
Season 13
Episode 3
Genesis 23:1–20 "The Purchased Land?"
With the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham realizes for certain that the fulfillment of the Promise Land is still in the future. This is a passage about waiting for God to provide a homeland, a final resting place not in death, but in eternal li...
Season 10
Episode 35
Belgic Confession 1 (part 2) "The Incommunicable & Communicable Attributes of God: How We're Unlike & Like God""
Exod. 8:8–15 Isa. 40:18–26 Luke 6:32–36 1 Pet. 1:13–21 The doctrine of God is the foundation of all theology. In a very important sense, it is theology. That word “theology” puts two Greek words together and simpl...
Season 13
Episode 2
Genesis 22:15–18 "The Gates of Hades Overcome"
Back in the story of the sacrifice of Isaac, and zooming in on God's oath, we learn about the outcome of the spiritual war that has been going on since the serpent arrived in the Garden. God tells Abraham that his descendants will triumph again...
Season 10
Episode 34
Belgic Confession 1 (part 1) "To Believe & Confess"
Deut. 30:11–14 Joel 2:30–32 Luke 12:8–12 Rom. 10:11–14 Among the many pressing needs among Christians in the west is a better understanding of the main teachings of the Bible. Even we Reformed Christians, who love our doctrine...
Season 13
Episode 1